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Satisfaction in standing out

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What happens students make choices and that affects the choices a teacher has to make? Like all post, each are connected and speaks of the previous. Krishna highlights those choices by writing his piece as below:


Everyone is engaged in some activity or the other all the time and there are other people besides them doing it as well. Each has their own purpose for doing it and that is what directs their work.

There are many of us doing the same work but only few manage to stand out or excel dramatically in it.

Most of the times everybody ends up doing an activity in the same manner thus this becomes the conventional way, to which most opt to go. And then there are others who dare to think out of the box, challenge the conventional methods and dare to completely reimagine the process that goes in. Giving birth to something unique that most appreciate and some criticize or envy.

As mentioned before the purpose of the two groups differ and that shapes their work.

The ones who start working with a materialistic goal in mind can never create the unique, for they’ve never really loved what they are doing, they never worked for learning, but for a materialistic goal and cannot look anywhere beyond that. So their heads work in a single straight way, they don’t work on the task in hand but on the greed of marks, promotions or money.

For the ones who work with the motive of imbibing some learning from each task, it is natural to have curiosity. This curiosity propels them to think and walk on the roads that are unheard of; these are the roads of the new ideologies leading to the destiny of excellence and something else…Satisfaction.

But the satisfaction of attaining some materialistic goal is short-lived and produces greed to get more of, and so this is not satisfaction at all, for eventually you will be left with restlessness.

Whereas the satisfaction to have done something unique and exceptional lives forever. It is not something external or materialistic but just a good feeling staying for a lifetime. You might not get an accolade for it but just knowing that by doing what you’ve done, you have given people something new and exciting to think on and work upon, is your greatest accomplishment.

So the next time you prepare yourself for any task, don’t think of running through it and finishing it off but say to yourself that I have the power to create something unique and use this very power to achieve excellence ,appreciation and satisfaction most importantly.

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